
In The Year 2015

Title–  A Sister’s Tribute To A Braveheart Brother & A Story Of Courage And Forgiveness

Type– Real Life Stories

Published In– Women’s Web

Publication Date–  July 1, 2015

Title Unfinished Lessons

Type – Original Poetry

Published InBlogAdda Under the column Spicy Saturday Picks

Publication Date –  June 20, 2015

Link-  Here

TitleStubborn Streaks

Type – Article on Wellness

Published in – Life Positive

Publication Date – April 2015

Link Here

Title Cherish Your Life

Type – Article on Wellness

Published In – Life Positive

Publication Date – April 2015

Link Here

Title Affirmations

Type – Article on Wellness

Published In – Life Positive

Publication Date – May 2015


TitleComplementing Compliments

Type – Article On Wellness

Published In – Life Positive

Publication Date– May 2015

Link Here

My Blog Musings On Life was featured on WordPress  Under the HOT OF THE PRESS section in The Daily Post. The title being Five Themes For Poets (And Other Text Loving Bloggers)

Link – Here

One of my Quotes was featured in the article, 45 Quotes By Great Contemporary Writers on February 2015.

Link- Here

An Interview of mine was published in ,  under the interviews section titled, Career As A Counseling Psychologist.

Link – Here

An article of mine titled, Do You Want To Be Happy, was published in the E-zine Women’s Web on 10th August 2015.

A Real Life Story written by me, titled, The Cold blooded View ,was awarded with the WOW post of the week at BlogAdda on 10th August 2015.