How Gratitude Changed My Attitude


Gratitude opens doors, previously unknown to you.

There was a time, when I would mostly think about all that I had missed in my life and would always miss. The untimely deaths of my brother and father had managed to dampen the enthusiasm in my life. Days had passed into years and all I had done was to remember them with silent tears. I had a family to love, but these thoughts had become predominant in my mind. I always ended up thinking about my lack and could not appreciate my luck.

Talking to people who had faced similar situations helped, but could not change the situation as such. Slowly, friends began to avoid me under some pretext or the other. I could not understand the reason then. Now it’s all clear to me. Negativity of any kind is harmful, after all. How long could they support someone who did not know how to bring about a change?

Books became my friends. I have always loved reading since I was in school. Reading became my passion, my friend, my solace, my all. Slowly I began to understand how thoughts influenced the outcome of any situation. Soon I began my day with gratitude, for all the things I had been blessed with. I would thank each and every thing I had. The house, car, food, bed, everything. The people in my life, my mother, in laws, husband, sons, the maid, my driver, the vegetable vendor, just about everyone who touched my life. I noticed that I was feeling better, happier and the enthusiasm towards life was coming back, slowly.

Writing has been a hobby I have always treasured since my childhood. This year from the month of January, I started blogging and must say, it has been therapeutic. I look forward to writing new posts very often which I feel is very important as it unleashes the creativity within you. For me it has been reading and writing. It could be something else for you. Plenty of activities to choose from. Just embrace some and watch the way your life transforms.

Gratitude has opened doors for me, which were unknown and untapped. So,If you were to find yourself losing your shine, you know what to do. Why wait till then? Enrich your life, do it now!

I write this in total gratitude as I go about my life with a new found peace and calm.